Get a personalized plan to help you

Buy Right

Whether it's your first home or your forever home, there is no bigger decision than buying a house. While bankers and real estate agents have incentives to advise you to buy bigger, we focus on getting you into a home which will allow you to achieve your other goals as well. We will help you to know how much you can afford and still have the lifestyle you want.  

Home Buying Analysis

The price range of your home should be set to optimize your lifestyle and your other goals; not to max out your budget.Get an unbiased plan based on your personal goals and finances, not generic rules of thumb.


    1. An analysis of your optimized purchase range
    2. A plan to build your down payment
    3. An analysis of your total cost of ownership
      • Estimated mortgage payment
      • Property taxes and insurance
      • Maintenance and repair costs
    4. Analysis of home purchase impact on retirement and other goals

    5. Analysis & recommendations related to special risks based on your unique situation

    6. Analysis & recommendation regarding using points to buy down the mortgage (after you find your home)

    $500 for Your Custom Plan

    Additional fees apply for investment real estate

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    Our Process

    We start with a free initial discovery meeting to explore your goals and explain how financial planning can help achieve them. 

    From there, we develop a detailed plan including analysis of your current situation, explaining potential alternatives, and recommending a course of action.